Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Arrrrrr! Avast! Ahoy!

Ahoy, you scurvy dogs and various wenches! Today be a very special day indeed. For it is National "Talk Like A Pirate" Day! This here be me fav'rit holy day of the year, arrr. Tis the one day outta the year when Dezz gets ta be Captain Dezz. So dust off yer eye patches, strap on those wooden legs, sharpen up yer hooks, and go buy a parrot afore I make ye swab the poop deck! If'n ye need some help with yer pirate speaks, I've given ye yellow sharks a bit o' an intstructional video. Set sail fer adventure...and tacos. Where's me rum?

Captain Dezz

The Five A's Of Piratin'

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