Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Brain In A Jar

For any of you out there who know me, then you know that I love a good debate. Especially on the topic of religion vs. science. My favorite debate starter sentence goes thusly: "I'll admit that there may be a God, if you admit that there might NOT be a God." Nine times out of ten, just that simple phrase is enough to shut up most fundamentalists. It always amazes me that the religious-minded hold so strongly to their beliefs with little or no actual fact to buttress them. On the other hand, it is that same die-hard zeal which causes the scientifically-brained to scratch their heads in bemusement. Anyway, while I was perusing the web for a brain in a jar (yes, an actual one) I came across this interesting rant. I found it in a little used, and much neglected, corner of the internet. Once I blew the dust off, sneezed a few times, and coughed once, I thought that maybe I would share this nugget of thought with all of you. So read on, and enjoy. The Brain In A Jar Argument


1 comment:

Unknown said...

you are all brains in a jar... I control the world